Looking for a blow off valve to add that "psshh, pshh" sound? Well, you've come to the right place but the blow off valve serves a greater purpose then just making a cool sound. The stock BOV is made of plastic and is often known to warp. When this warping takes place your machine will begin to loose pressure and the result is a drop in HP. This commonly occurs on higher boost machines.
Made from billet aluminum, anodized black, utilizes a metal seal to ensure no boost leak like cheaper valves. There is also an optional filter that can be utilized to ensure no debris enters the BOV. Only positive pressure escapes from the BOV & therefore the filter is not necessary unless you would like to eliminate any possibilities of debris entering the BOV.
Easy to install and you can easily switch away from the "pshh, pshh" if you want to go away from this sound in the future.